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MyReviewGuard has a zero-tolerance policy for SMS spam. Subscribers will only receive SMS messages from campaigns that they have opted into directly through a business.

Definition Of Spam and Reporting

We consider any unwanted SMS message spam. We do NOT allow the use of any 3rd party lists. We only allow messages sent to subscribers who have previously given consent with the purpose of providing feedback for a recent visit or has interacted with a business.

Unsolicited messages, or any messages sent by unauthorized users, are not tolerated and are considered spam. Please report any abuse ASAP. This means we do not condone UNSOLICITED TEXT MESSAGES; NOTIFICATIONS; ALERTS; OR ANY MESSAGES THAT YOU MAY RECEIVE FROM SOMEONE WHO SHOULD NOT HAVE YOUR MOBILE NUMBER. Please report any abuse immediately, including the sender ID, your Mobile Number (to be removed); the date and time you received it and the contents of the message.

To report any abuse or violations of inappropriate use of our service, please contact support with your comments/complaints. Upon receiving any complaint, we will immediately begin an investigation on the reported client.

Opting Out / Unsubscribing / Removing a Mobile Number

Users can remove themselves from any client’s list at anytime by texting “stop” in a reply to any message they’ve received from a client.

If you have any issues unsubscribing or need any additional assistance removing yourself from a SMS campaign, please contact support.

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